Jimmy James’s Life After Being Named Driver of the Year 2016
We believe Bennett drivers are the cream of the crop, and we take pride in celebrating them any chance we get. Every year at Bennett’s Annual Symposium, we honor those drivers and name our Driver of the Year. Last year, Jimmy James, who lives in Houston, received some news he was not expecting. His dispatcher gave him a call and told him he was being named Bennett’s 2016 Driver of the Year. His first reaction was simply, “Wow.”
This April will make eleven years that Jimmy has been with Bennett Motor Express. The beginning of his career was started working in the warehouse loading trucks with a forklift. From the forklift, he moved on to driving trucks around the yard, and this is where his career truly began. He loved driving these trucks so much, he decided to do it for the better part of his life.
Jimmy James accepts his Driver of the Year Award at Bennett’s Annual Symposium in January of 2017