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Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” tonight, Saturday prices will DROP another 6 Cents then Sunday look for prices to drop almost 10 Cents ~ Be Safe

NMEX Crude       $ 74.07 DN $1.8900

NYMEX ULSD     $2.6615 DN $0.0927

NYMEX Gas         $2.1211 DN $0.0547


January WTI crude oil on Friday closed down -1.57 (-2.07%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed down -0.0547 (-2.51%).

Crude oil and gasoline prices Friday gave up an early advance and sold off, with crude falling to a 1-week low.  Crude prices were under pressure on negative carryover from Thursday when OPEC+ said it would cut its crude production level by -1.0 million bpd but did not provide details on how the cuts would be implemented.  Also, concerns that economic activity in the U.S. is slowing weighed on energy prices after Friday’s U.S. Nov ISM manufacturing report contracted more than expected.  Crude price Friday initially opened higher on a weak dollar and after a gauge of Chinese manufacturing activity unexpectedly expanded last month, a positive for energy demand.

Friday’s global manufacturing news was mixed for crude demand and prices.  On the bearish side, the U.S. Nov ISM manufacturing index was unchanged at 46.7, weaker than expectations of an increase to 47.8 and the 13th consecutive month of contraction in manufacturing activity.  On the bullish side, the China Nov Caixin manufacturing PMI rose +1.2 to 50.7, stronger than expectations of 49.6.  Also, the Eurozone Nov S&P manufacturing PMI was revised upward by +0.4 to 44.2 from the initially reported 43.8.  In addition, the Japan Nov Jibun Bank manufacturing PMI was revised upward by +0.2 to 48.3 from the previously reported 48.1.

On Thursday, OPEC+ agreed to cut crude production by -1.0 million bpd through June 2024.  However, crude prices sold off on the news and remained under pressure Friday since no details were provided on how the cuts would be distributed among members nor how Russia’s -300,000 bpd export cut would factor into the new totals.  Delegates said the final details of the new accord, including national production levels, would be announced individually by each country rather than in the customary OPEC+ communique.  The market is disappointed that the extra cuts in OPEC crude output will be announced by each individual country, which suggests the cuts may only be voluntary.

Saudi Arabia said Thursday it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through Q1 of 2024.  The move would maintain Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also said Thursday that it will deepen its voluntary oil export cuts by 200,000 bpd to 500,000 bpd in Q1 of 2024.  OPEC Nov crude production fell -140,000 bpd to 28.050 million bpd. The rift between Angola and other OPEC+ members remains and is a bearish factor that signals more infighting among members.  Angola OPEC governor Pedro said Thursday that his country rejects OPEC’s quota and “Angola will produce above the quota determined by OPEC.”  Angola is Africa’s second-largest crude producer, and OPEC governor Pedro said his country will pump 1.18 million bpd in January, above the 1.11 million quota set out by OPEC.

A decline in crude in floating storage is bullish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week fell -2.9% w/w to 86.52 million bbl as of Nov 24.

Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months.

An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.24 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the week to Nov 26, up +370,000 bpd from the prior week and near the highest in four months.

Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 24 were +0.2% above the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -10.0% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ending Nov 24 was unchanged at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.

Baker Hughes reported Friday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Dec 1 rose by +5 rigs to 505 rigs, modestly above the 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs from Nov 10.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” today due to Friday wholesale prices will DROP 2 Cents then Saturday look for a 6 cents drop in prices ~ Be Safe

NMEX Crude      $ 75.96 DN $1.9000

NYMEX ULSD     $2.8305 DN $0.0580

NYMEX Gas       $2.1998 DN $0.0838


Nov 30 (Reuters) – Oil prices fell by more than 2% on Thursday after OPEC+ producers agreed to voluntary oil output cuts for the first quarter next year that fell short of market expectations.

Brent crude futures for January settled 27 cents, or 0.3%, lower to expire at $82.83 a barrel, and a 5.2% loss for the month. The February contract , which begins trading as the front month on Friday, fell $2.00, or 2.4%, to $80.86.

U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures settled down $1.90, or 2.4%, to $75.96, and down 6.2% in November.

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other members of OPEC+, who pump more than 40% of the world’s oil, agreed to voluntary output cuts approaching 2 million barrels per day (bpd) for the first quarter of 2024.

At least 1.3 million bpd of those cuts, however, were an extension of voluntary curbs that Saudi Arabia and Russia already had in place. Earlier, delegates had said new additional cuts under discussion were as much as 2 million bpd.

“For now, the outcome does not live up to the expectation… in recent days,” said Callum MacPherson, head of commodities at Investec.

The voluntary nature of the cuts left investors nonplussed.

“From what we’ve seen so far, this looks like a paper cut of around 600-700,000 barrels per day (bpd) vs Q4 2023 planned levels,” said James Davis at FGE.

“It could at best be an actual cut of around 500,000 bpd compared to Q4. This might be just enough to keep the market balanced in Q1, but it will be close.”

audi Arabia, Russia, Kuwait, Kazakhstan and Algeria were among producers who said cuts would be unwound gradually after the first quarter, market conditions permitting.

The meeting, being held on the same day as global leaders gather in Dubai for the U.N. climate conference, was originally scheduled for last week but was deferred because of disagreements over output quotas for African producers.

OPEC+ also invited Brazil, a top 10 oil producer, to become a member of the group. The country’s energy minister said it hoped to join in January.

Meanwhile crude output in the U.S., the world’s top producer, continued to grow, rising 1.7% in September to a monthly record of 13.24 million bpd, the Energy Information Administration said.

Crude production in Texas fell by 0.1% to 5.57 million bpd, the lowest since July and the first time production in the state has fallen since April, the EIA said.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Thursday prices will jump UP 7 Cents~Be Safe

NMEX Crude      $ 77.86 UP $1.4500

NYMEX ULSD     $2.8885 DN $0.0185

NYMEX Gas       $2.2836 UP $0.0536


January WTI crude oil on Wednesday closed up +1.45 (+1.90%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed up +0.0547 (+2.49%). Crude oil and gasoline prices Wednesday posted moderate gains, with crude climbing to a 1-week high and gasoline climbing to a 2-week high.  Crude has support on signs of U.S. economic strength after U.S. Q3 GDP expanded more than expected.  Also, short covering ahead of  Thursday’s OPEC+ meeting is lifting crude prices.  Crude prices rallied Wednesday despite a stronger dollar and a bearish EIA inventory report.

Wednesday’s global economic news was stronger than expected and bullish for energy demand and crude prices.  U.S. Q3 GDP was revised upward by +0.3 to +5.2% (q/q annualized), stronger than expectations of +5.0%.  Also, Eurozone Nov economic confidence rose +0.3 to a 4-month high of 93.8, stronger than expectations of 93.6.

A rift among OPEC+ members regarding crude production levels has delayed the group’s monthly meeting until Thursday and is weighing on crude prices.  Saudi Arabia, which has unilaterally cut back its crude output by 1.0 million bpd since July, is now asking other OPEC+ members to reduce their oil production levels, which has prompted pushback from some African oil producers, including Angola and Nigeria.  OPEC+ delegates said they were progressing toward a compromise but have yet to clinch an agreement.  The rift among OPEC+ members about production levels reduces the likelihood that the group will extend their crude output cuts or make deeper cuts.

A decline in crude in floating storage is bullish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week fell -2.9% w/w to 86.52 million bbl as of Nov 24.

Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months.

An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.24 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the week to Nov 26, up +370,000 bpd from the prior week and near the highest in four months.

The tightness in the oil market is expected to continue due to the extension of OPEC+ production cuts.  Saudi Arabia recently said it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through December.  The move will hold Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also recently announced that it would maintain its 300,000 bpd cut in crude production through December.  OPEC Oct crude production was little changed, rising +50,000 bpd to 28.08 million bpd.

Wednesday’s weekly EIA report was bearish for crude and products.  EIA crude inventories unexpectedly rose +1.61 million bbl versus expectations of a -50,000 bbl draw.  Also, EIA gasoline supplies unexpectedly rose +1.76 million bbl versus expectations of a -700,000 bbl draw.  In addition, EIA distillate stockpiles unexpectedly rose +5.22 million bbl versus expectations of a -1.34 million bbl draw.  Finally, crude supplies at Cushing, the delivery point of WTI futures, rose +1.85 million bbl.

Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 24 were +0.2% above the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -10.0% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ended Nov 24 was unchanged w/w at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.

Baker Hughes reported last Wednesday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Nov 24 were unchanged at 500 rigs, modestly above the 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs from Nov 10.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”


 “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight~Be Safe


NMEX Crude      $ 76.41 UP $1.5500

NYMEX ULSD     $2.9070 UP $0.0691

NYMEX Gas       $2.2300 UP $0.0501


NEW YORK, Nov 28 (Reuters) – Oil prices jumped on Tuesday, settling up about 2% on the possibility OPEC+ will extend or deepen supply cuts, a storm-related drop in Kazakh oil output and a weaker U.S. dollar. Brent crude futures settled up $1.70, or 2.1%, at $81.68 a barrel. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude gained $1.55, or 2.1%, to settle at $76.41.

OPEC+, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies including Russia, is due to hold an online ministerial meeting on Thursday to discuss 2024 production targets. The talks will be difficult and a rollover of the previous agreement is possible rather than deeper production cuts, four OPEC+ sources said. The market tumbled last week when OPEC+ pushed back the original date for its meeting to iron out differences on production targets for African producers. “We believe the market’s primary focus surrounds the continuation of Saudi Arabia’s additional voluntary cuts of 1 million barrels per day,” Walt Chancellor, an energy strategist at Macquarie, said in a note. “We believe an extension of these cuts into Q2/Q3 2024 may represent the threshold for this meeting being viewed bullishly.”

One possible compromise could involve Angola and Nigeria accepting reduced production targets for a few months if targets for the other countries were likewise lowered, said Commerzbank’s Carsten Fritsch. “According to delegates, Saudi Arabia is demanding lower production quotas from the other OPEC+ countries. While Kuwait has signaled that it would be willing to do so, some countries are apparently resisting any such move.” The United Arab Emirates is likely to oppose this, given that its 2024 production target was increased at its urging when OPEC+ held its previous meeting in early June, he added.

Oil also found support from a weak dollar, an expected decline in U.S. crude inventories and the drop in Kazakh output.

Kazakhstan’s largest oilfields have cut their combined daily oil output by 56%.

Four analysts polled by Reuters estimated that the latest round of weekly U.S. supply reports will show crude inventories fell by about 900,000 barrels.

The first of this week’s two reports is due at 2130 GMT from the American Petroleum Institute.

The U.S. dollar sank to a three-month low on Tuesday after U.S. Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller flagged the possibility of lowering the Fed policy rate in the months ahead if inflation declines further. A weaker dollar typically bolsters oil demand, making dollar-denominated oil less expensive for buyers using other currencies.

In the Middle East, Israeli forces and Hamas fighters held their fire beyond the original deadline of a truce, extended at the last minute by at least two days to let more hostages go free.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight~Be Safe

NMEX Crude      $ 74.86 DN $.6800

NYMEX ULSD     $2.8379 UP $.0022

NYMEX Gas       $2.1799 UP $.0148


January WTI crude oil on Monday closed down -0.68 (-0.90%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed up +0.0088 (+0.41%). Crude oil and gasoline prices on Monday settled mixed.  Crude prices are under pressure from a dispute among Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ members on crude production levels.  Also, weaker-than-expected U.S. economic news suggests weaker growth that is negative for energy demand and crude prices.  A weaker dollar on Monday was supportive of energy prices.

A rift among OPEC+ members regarding crude production levels has delayed the group’s monthly meeting until this Thursday and is weighing on crude prices.  Saudi Arabia, which has unilaterally cut back its crude output by 1.0 million bpd since July, is now asking other OPEC+ members to reduce their oil production levels, which has prompted pushback from some African oil producers, including Angola and Nigeria.  OPEC+ delegates said they were progressing toward a compromise but have yet to clinch an agreement.  The rift among OPEC+ members about production levels reduces the likelihood that the group will extend their crude output cuts or make deeper cuts.

Monday’s U.S. economic news was weaker than expected and bearish for energy demand and crude prices.  U.S. Oct new home sales fell -5.6% m/m to 679,000, weaker than expectations of 721,000.  Also, the Nov Dallas Fed manufacturing outlook of general business activity unexpectedly fell -0.7 to a 4-month low of -19.9, weaker than expectations of an increase to -16.0. A decline in crude in floating storage is bullish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week fell -2.9% w/w to 86.52 million bbl as of Nov 24.

Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months. An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.2 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the four weeks to Nov 12, near the highest in four months. The tightness in the oil market is expected to continue due to the extension of OPEC+ production cuts.  Saudi Arabia recently said it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through December.  The move will hold Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also recently announced that it would maintain its 300,000 bpd cut in crude production through December.  OPEC Oct crude production was little changed, rising +50,000 bpd to 28.08 million bpd.

Last Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 17 were -0.5% below the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -13.7% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ended Nov 17 was unchanged w/w at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.

Baker Hughes reported last Wednesday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Nov 24 were unchanged at 500 rigs, modestly above the 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs from Nov 10.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Thursday look for an 7.5 cent jump in prices then Friday prices will drop 3.5 Cents ~ Be Safe
NMEX Crude      $ 77.10 DN $.6700

NYMEX ULSD     $2.8891 DN $.0358

NYMEX Gas       $2.2324 DN $.0014


January WTI crude oil on Wednesday closed down -0.67 (-0.86%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed down -0.0122 (-0.55%). Crude oil and gasoline prices Wednesday settled moderately lower after this weekend’s OPEC+ meeting was delayed until Nov 30 as talks ran into trouble amid Saudi dissatisfaction with other members’ oil production levels.  Crude prices were also undercut by a stronger dollar and Wednesday’s weekly EIA report, which showed that crude inventories rose more than expected. Crude prices retreated Wednesday after the OPEC+ meeting scheduled for this weekend was delayed until Nov 30.  Delegates said Saudi Arabia was in difficult talks with Angola and Nigeria, who want higher crude production levels than what the other OPEC+ members will agree to.  The rift among OPEC+ members about production levels reduces the likelihood that the group will extend their crude output cuts or make deeper cuts.


Wednesday’s U.S. economic news was mixed for energy demand and crude prices.  On the negative side, Oct capital goods new orders non defense ex-aircraft, a proxy for capital spending, unexpectedly fell -0.1% m/m, weaker than expectations of +0.1% m/m.  Conversely,  weekly initial unemployment claims fell -24,000 to a 5-week low of 209,000, showing a stronger labor market than expectations of 227,000.  Also, the University of Michigan U.S. Nov consumer sentiment index was revised upward by +0.9 to 61.3, stronger than expectations of 61.0.


Expectations for increased travel in the U.S. over the Thanksgiving holiday are supporting fuel demand and crude prices.  According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) forecast, 55.4 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home over the holiday, the third most in records from 2000.


An increase in crude in floating storage is bearish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week rose +24% w/w to 87.987 million bbl as of Nov 17. Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months. An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.2 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the four weeks to Nov 12, near the highest in four months.


The tightness in the oil market is expected to continue due to the extension of OPEC+ production cuts.  Saudi Arabia recently said it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through December.  The move will hold Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also recently announced that it would maintain its 300,000 bpd cut in crude production through December.  OPEC Oct crude production was little changed, rising +50,000 bpd to 28.08 million bpd.


Wednesday’s weekly EIA report was mixed for crude and products.  On the bearish side, EIA crude inventories rose +8.7 million bbl, well above expectations of +1.75 million bbl.  Also, EIA gasoline supplies unexpectedly rose +750,000 bbl versus expectations of a -1.1 million bbl draw.  In addition, crude stockpiles at Cushing, the delivery point of WTI futures, rose +858,000 bbl.  On the supportive side, EIA distillate inventories fell -1.02 million bbl to a 1-1/2 year low.


Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 17 were -0.5% below the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -13.7% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ended Nov 17 was unchanged w/w at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.


Baker Hughes reported Wednesday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Nov 24 were unchanged at 500 rigs, modestly above the 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs from Nov 10.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.


Have a Great Day,
Loren R Bailey, President
Office: 479-846-2761
Cell: 479-790-5581
DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 22 Out All Day
Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business




As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams
Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” tonight, Wednesday look for a 8 cent jump in prices then Thursday look for another jump of 7.5 cents ~ Be Safe
NMEX Crude      $ 77.77 DN $.0600

NYMEX ULSD     $2.9249 UP $.0754

NYMEX Gas       $2.2338 UP $.0078


January WTI crude oil on Tuesday closed down -0.06 (-0.08%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed up +0.0108 (+0.49%). Crude oil and gasoline prices on Tuesday settled mixed.  Energy prices opened lower after weaker-than-expected U.S. economic reports were negative for energy demand and crude oil prices.  Crude was also under pressure Tuesday after the dollar index recovered from a 2-1/2 month low and moved higher.  However, crude recovered most of its losses, and gasoline prices turned higher, on the outlook for strong U.S. fuel demand this Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Tuesday’s U.S. economic news was weaker than expected and bearish for energy demand and crude prices.  The Oct Chicago Fed national activity index fell -0.47 to a 7-month low of  -0.49, weaker than expectations of zero.  Also, Oct existing home sales fell -4.1% m/m to a 13-year low of 3.79 million, weaker than expectations of 3.90 million. Expectations for increased travel in the U.S. over the Thanksgiving holiday support fuel demand and crude prices.  According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) forecast, 55.4 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home over the holiday, the third most in records from 2000. Weakness in the crude crack spread is bearish for crude prices.  The crack spread Tuesday fell to a 1-week low, discouraging refiners from purchasing crude oil and refining it into gasoline and distillates.

Crude prices have support from expectations that OPEC+ might extend existing crude production cuts into early 2024.  OPEC+ will meet November 25-26 in Vienna to discuss extending its crude production cuts. Geopolitical concerns have increased shipping risks in the Middle East due to the Israeli-Hamas war and are supportive of crude prices after an Israeli-owned ship chartered by Japan was seized Sunday in the Red Sea by Iran-backed Houthi rebels.  The rebels said they back Hamas in the conflict and will continue attacks on Israeli territory and ships. An increase in crude in floating storage is bearish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week rose +24% w/w to 87.987 million bbl as of Nov 17.

Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months. An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.2 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the four weeks to Nov 12, near the highest in four months. In a bearish factor for crude oil, the U.S. on Oct 18 said it would ease sanctions for six months on Venezuela’s oil exports in exchange for steps to ensure the country holds fair presidential elections next year.  An easing of sanctions would put additional crude supplies on the global market, with some analysts estimating about 200,000 bpd of additional supplies.

The tightness in the oil market is expected to continue due to the extension of OPEC+ production cuts.  Saudi Arabia recently said it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through December.  The move will hold Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also recently announced that it would maintain its 300,000 bpd cut in crude production through December.  OPEC Oct crude production was little changed, rising +50,000 bpd to 28.08 million bpd. The consensus is for Wednesday’s weekly EIA crude inventories to climb +1.75 million bbl.

Last Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 10 were -2.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.2% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -13.6% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ended Nov 10 was unchanged w/w at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.

Baker Hughes reported last Friday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Nov 17 rose by +6 rigs to 500 rigs, recovering slightly from the prior week’s 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day,
Loren R Bailey, President
Office: 479-846-2761
Cell: 479-790-5581
DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 22 Out All Day
Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business




As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams
Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight~Be Safe
NMEX Crude      $ 77.60 UP $1.7100

NYMEX ULSD     $2.8495 UP $0.0770

NYMEX Gas       $2.2260 UP $0.0415


December WTI crude oil on Monday closed up +1.71 (+2.25%), and Dec RBOB gasoline closed up +0.0405 (+1.85%).


Crude oil and gasoline prices Monday closed moderately higher.  Monday’s slide in the dollar index to a 2-1/2 month low supported gains in energy prices.  Crude prices also rose on concern that OPEC+ may extend and even deepen its crude production cuts when the group meets this weekend.  Monday’s rally in the S&P 500 to a 2-1/2 month high shows confidence in the economic outlook and is another positive for energy demand and crude prices. Crude prices have support on expectations that OPEC+ will at least reaffirm existing crude production cuts for next year.  OPEC+ will meet November 25-26 in Vienna to discuss extending its crude production cuts.


Geopolitical concerns have increased shipping risks in the Middle East due to the Israeli-Hamas war and are supportive of crude prices after an Israeli-owned ship chartered by Japan was seized Sunday in the Red Sea by Iran-backed Houthi rebels.  The rebels said they back Hamas in the conflict and will continue attacks on Israeli territory and ships.


Expectations for increased travel in the U.S. over the Thanksgiving holiday support fuel demand and crude prices.  According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) forecast, 55.4 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home over the holiday, the third most in records from 2000.


An increase in crude in floating storage is bearish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week rose +24% w/w to 87.987 million bbl as of Nov 17. Increased crude consumption in India, the world’s third largest crude consumer, is bullish for oil prices after India’s oil product consumption in October rose +3.7% y/y to 19.3 MMT, the highest five months. An increase in Russian crude exports is bearish for oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows 3.2 million bpd of crude was shipped from Russian ports in the four weeks to Nov 12, near the highest in four months.


In a bearish factor for crude oil, the U.S. on Oct 18 said it would ease sanctions for six months on Venezuela’s oil exports in exchange for steps to ensure the country holds fair presidential elections next year.  An easing of sanctions would put additional crude supplies on the global market, with some analysts estimating about 200,000 bpd of additional supplies. The tightness in the oil market is expected to continue due to the extension of OPEC+ production cuts.  Saudi Arabia recently said it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through December.  The move will hold Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also recently announced that it would maintain its 300,000 bpd cut in crude production through December.  OPEC Oct crude production was little changed, rising +50,000 bpd to 28.08 million bpd.


Last Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Nov 10 were -2.4% below the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -1.2% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -13.6% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ended Nov 10 was unchanged w/w at a record high of 13.2 million bpd.


Baker Hughes reported last Friday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Nov 17 rose by +6 rigs to 500 rigs, recovering slightly from the prior week’s 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day,
Loren R Bailey, President
Office: 479-846-2761
Cell: 479-790-5581
DEC 01 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon
DEC 22 Out All Day
Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business




As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

The Bennett Mobile Fuel Discount App is more accurate than the Fuelbook App due to the locations and discounts are updated upwards of four times daily PLUS the locations ARE verified as discount locations. We’ve experiencing random truck stops loading on the Fuelbook App where you do NOT have a fuel discount. 


Please move to the BennettIG app that NOW had Fuel Discount loaded 365 days!


Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



NOV 18 Out Afternoon

NOV 19 Out Until Noon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” today/tonight due to Saturday wholesale prices will DROP 12 Cents ~ Be Safe

NMEX Crude      $ 75.89 UP $2.9900

NYMEX ULSD     $2.7725 UP $0.0223

NYMEX Gas       $2.1845 UP $0.0834


Oil prices rose on Friday, a day after sinking 5% to a four month-low on growing worries about burgeoning non-OPEC supply and cooling demand. The WTI contract for December rose $2.99, or 3.03%, to $75.89 per barrel, while the Brent contract for January rose 3.2%, or $2.49, to $79.91 a barrel.

Both benchmarks have lost around a sixth of their value over the last four weeks, and prices are on track for their fourth straight week of losses. “Oil prices are down slightly this year despite demand exceeding our optimistic expectations,” Goldman Sachs analysts said in a note. “Non-core OPEC supply has been much stronger than expected, partly offset by OPEC cuts.” Prompt monthly spreads for both contracts have flipped to contango, a structure that indicates nearby prices are lower than those in future months reflecting healthy supply.

Oil’s decline this week was mainly triggered by a steep rise in U.S. crude inventories and production sustaining at record levels, while signs of thawing demand in China also triggered concerns. But the precipitous drop on Thursday had some analysts questioning whether the selloff was overdone, particularly in light of escalating tensions in the Middle East that could disrupt oil supplies and the U.S. vowing to enforce sanctions against Hamas-backer Iran. Another factor contributing to negative sentiment on Thursday was the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits increasing, and a slight contraction in industrial production figures. “Poor numbers maybe, but not disastrous, however it was enough to tip the balance and carnage ensued with sell stops cascading with triggers,” said John Evans of oil broker PVM.

With Brent below $80 a barrel, a barrage of analysts now expect OPEC+, principally Saudi Arabia and Russia, to extend their voluntary cuts into 2024. “It has become clearer that the oil balance for the remainder of this year is not as tight as initially expected,” ING analysts said in a note. “As things stand, the market is still expected to return to surplus in 1Q24.”

Have a Great Day,

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581



NOV 18 Out Afternoon

NOV 19 Out Until Noon

DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

Tell Us How We’re Doing On Google Business


As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!


“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”



“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

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