Market Close: March 04 UP, Wholesale Diesel will be UP $1.0089 for the week Sunday

Fueling Strategy: PLEASE keep tanks full of fuel, tonight before 23:00 CST completely top your tanks, Price Projections: Today prices are UP $.34 cents, Saturday prices will go UP $.01 cents, Sunday UP prices will jump up another $.2729 (UP $1.0089 this week by Sunday)  ~ Be Safe
NMEX Crude     $115.68 UP $8.0100
NYMEX ULSD    $3.7763 UP $0.2729
NYMEX Gas      $3.5440 UP $0.2596
Oil futures climbed on Friday, with U.S. prices ending at their highest in more than 13 years, as Russian’s invasion of Ukraine, and Western nations’ sanctions on Moscow in retaliation, threaten to disrupt global crude supplies. Oil prices have been “a one-way market, but the potential return of Iranian crude supplies could provide much relief to this very tight market,” said Edward Moya, senior market analyst at OANDA.
News reports said Iran and world powers were close to an agreement to restore the 2015 nuclear deal, which is expected to lead the U.S. to lift sanctions on Tehran, allowing more oil to flow into the global market.
Data from Baker Hughes on Friday, meanwhile, revealed the first weekly decline in active U.S. oil-drilling rigs in six weeks, implying a slowdown in output.
West Texas Intermediate crude for April delivery rose $8.01, or 7.4%, to settle at $115.68 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That was the highest front-month finish since September 2008, according to Dow Jones Market Data. For the week, prices rose 26.3%, the largest percentage climb since the week ending April 3, 2020.
Have a Great Day,
Loren R Bailey, President
Office: 479-846-2761
Cell: 479-790-5581
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As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!

Marketing & Sales: Brian 817-480-2102
“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”
Categories: Fuel News
loren: Fuel Manager Services Inc. "Serving the trucking industry since 1992" I've been in and around the trucking industry for 45-years beginning in owner operator operations at Willis Shaw Express. I bought a small trucking company that I ran for 6-years then sold and went to work for J.B. Hunt Transport in 1982. After 10-years with Hunt, I started Fuel Manager Services, Inc., we are in our 29th year of serving the American trucking companies. Our simple goal was and is to bridge the gap between the trucking companies and the fuel suppliers.