Market Close: Dec 14 UP Diesel UP $.0432, Gas UP $.0939

Fueling Strategy: Please “MAKE SURE YOUR TANKS ARE FULL OF FUEL” before 23:00 CST tonight, Friday prices will go back UP 4 Cents ~ Be Safe

NMEX Crude      $ 71.58 UP $2.1100

NYMEX ULSD     $2.5913 UP $0.0432

NYMEX Gas       $2.1188 UP $0.0939


January WTI crude oil on Thursday closed up +2.11 (+3.04%), and Jan RBOB gasoline closed up +9.39 (+4.64%). Crude oil and gasoline prices Thursday posted 1-week highs and settled sharply higher.  Thursday’s slump in the dollar index to a 4-¼ month low is bullish for energy prices.  Also, a perceived pivot in Fed policy to cutting interest rates has sparked demand for risk assets, including crude oil.  In addition, Thursday’s rally in stocks shows confidence in the economic outlook that supports energy demand and crude prices.

Thursday’s stronger-than-expected global economic news supports energy demand and crude prices.  U.S. weekly initial unemployment claims unexpectedly fell -19,000 to an 8-week low of 202,000, showing a stronger labor market than expectations of no change at 220,000.  Also, Nov retail sales unexpectedly rose +0.3% m/m, stronger than expectations of -0.1% m/m.  In addition, Japan Oct core machine orders unexpectedly rose +0.7% m/m, stronger than expectations of -0.4% m/m.  Finally, Japan Oct industrial production was revised upward by +0.3 to +1.3% m/m from the initially reported +1.0% m/m.

A supportive factor for crude was Monday’s projection from the American Automobile Association (AAA) that a record 7.5 million people are expected to fly from Dec 23 to Jan 2, the most since the AAA began tracking the data in 2000.  A positive factor for crude was the U.S. Energy Department’s offer last Friday to buy as much as 3 million bbl of sour crude for delivery in March to refill the strategic petroleum reserve.  That comes on top of a previous tender to buy the same amount for February.  The Energy Department said it will hold monthly tenders to buy oil to refill the reserve through at least May 2024.

Crude price Tuesday plunged to a 5-1/2 month low as an increase in Russian crude exports undercut oil prices.  Tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg shows refined fuel shipments climbed to 3.2 million bpd in the four weeks to Dec 10, up +114,000 bpd from the prior week and the highest five months.

On Nov 30, OPEC+ agreed to cut crude production by -1.0 million bpd through June 2024.  However, crude prices sold off on the news since no details were provided on how the cuts would be distributed among members nor how Russia’s -300,000 bpd export cut would factor into the new totals.  Delegates said the final details of the new accord, including national production levels, would be announced individually by each country rather than in the customary OPEC+ communique.  The market was disappointed that the extra cuts in OPEC crude output will be announced by each individual country, which suggests the reductions may only be voluntary.

Saudi Arabia said on Nov 30 that it would maintain its unilateral crude production cut of 1.0 million bpd through Q1-2024.  The move would maintain Saudi Arabia’s crude output at about 9 million bpd, the lowest level in three years.  Russia also said it will deepen its voluntary oil export cuts by 200,000 bpd to 500,000 bpd in Q1 of 2024.  OPEC Nov crude production fell -140,000 bpd to 28.050 million bpd. The rift between Angola and other OPEC+ members remains and is a bearish factor that signals more infighting among members.  Angola OPEC governor Pedro said on Nov 30 that his country rejects OPEC’s quota and “Angola will produce above the quota determined by OPEC.”  Angola is Africa’s second-largest crude producer, and OPEC governor Pedro said his country will pump 1.18 million bpd in January, above the 1.11 million quota set out by OPEC. Oil prices are supported by concern that attacks on oil tankers in the Middle East may disrupt crude oil supplies.  At least ten merchant ships have been attacked or approached around Yemen by Iranian-backed Houthi militants in the Red Sea since Israel’s war with Hamas broke out in October.  

An increase in crude in floating storage is bearish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed that the amount of crude oil held worldwide on tankers that have been stationary for at least a week rose +11% w/w to 79.87 million bbl as of Dec 8.

Wednesday’s EIA report showed that (1) U.S. crude oil inventories as of Dec 8 were -2.1% below the seasonal 5-year average, (2) gasoline inventories were -2.1% below the seasonal 5-year average, and (3) distillate inventories were -12.1% below the 5-year seasonal average.  U.S. crude oil production in the week ending Dec 8 was unchanged w/w to 13.1 million bpd, just below the record high of 13.2 million bpd the week ending Nov 24.

Baker Hughes reported last Friday that active U.S. oil rigs in the week ended Dec 8 fell by -2 rigs to 503 rigs, modestly above the 1-3/4 year low of 494 rigs from Nov 10.  The number of U.S. oil rigs has fallen this year after moving sharply higher during 2021-22 from the 18-year pandemic low of 172 rigs posted in Aug 2020 to a 3-1/2 year high of 627 rigs in December 2022.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581


DEC 21 Out Late Afternoon

DEC 22 Out All Day

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As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!

“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”


“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” ~ Douglas Adams

Categories: Fuel News
loren: Fuel Manager Services Inc. "Serving the trucking industry since 1992" I've been in and around the trucking industry for 45-years beginning in owner operator operations at Willis Shaw Express. I bought a small trucking company that I ran for 6-years then sold and went to work for J.B. Hunt Transport in 1982. After 10-years with Hunt, I started Fuel Manager Services, Inc., we are in our 29th year of serving the American trucking companies. Our simple goal was and is to bridge the gap between the trucking companies and the fuel suppliers.