Market Close: Aug 27 Down, Diesel DN $.0618, Gas DN $.0330

Fueling Strategy: Please, If possible, “PARTIAL FILL ONLY TODAY/TONIGHT” or better yet don’t fuel today, Thursday prices will DROP 6 Cents ~ Be Safe Today!

NYEX Crude      $  75.53 DN $1.8900

NYMEX ULSD     $2.2862 UP $0.0618

NYMEX Gas       $2.2469 DN $0.0330


Oct WTI crude oil Tuesday closed down -1.89 (-2.44%), and Oct RBOB gasoline closed down -3.73 (-1.75%). Crude oil and gasoline prices settled moderately lower on Tuesday.  Crude prices came under pressure Tuesday after Goldman Sachs cut its 2025 Brent crude forecast to $77 a barrel from a prior estimate of $82 per barrel.  Tuesday’s slump in the crude crack spread to a 3-1/2 year low is another bearish factor for crude prices.  In addition, an increase in Russian crude exports is negative for crude prices.

Weakness in the crude crack spread is bearish for oil prices as the crack spread Tuesday fell to a 3-1/2 year low, discouraging refiners from purchasing crude oil and refining it into gasoline and distillates.

An increase in Russian crude exports has boosted global supplies and is bearish for oil prices.  Weekly vessel-tracking data from Bloomberg showed Russian crude exports rose by +390,000 bpd to 3.35 million bpd in the week to August 25, the highest in nearly two months.  Meanwhile, increased Russian crude production is negative for oil prices after Russia’s Energy Ministry reported last Friday that Russia’s July crude production was 9.045 million bpd, about 67,000 bpd above the output target it agreed to with OPEC+.

Crude oil prices have support after Libya’s eastern government declared force majeure on all oil fields, terminals, and crude export facilities as it called for a halt to all crude production and exports due to political conflict over who controls the country’s central bank and oil revenues.

Have a Great Day!

Loren R Bailey, President

Office: 479-846-2761

Cell: 479-790-5581


Aug 30 – Out of Office after 15:00

Sep 20 – Out of Office after 15:00

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As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fuel Manager Services, Inc. family, and we look forward to making this the best year yet!

“Celebrating 31-years of Service Excellence”


“Coming Together is the Beginning; Keeping Together is Progress; Working Together is Success”  ~ Henry Ford

Categories: Fuel News
loren: Fuel Manager Services Inc. "Serving the trucking industry since 1992" I've been in and around the trucking industry for 45-years beginning in owner operator operations at Willis Shaw Express. I bought a small trucking company that I ran for 6-years then sold and went to work for J.B. Hunt Transport in 1982. After 10-years with Hunt, I started Fuel Manager Services, Inc., we are in our 29th year of serving the American trucking companies. Our simple goal was and is to bridge the gap between the trucking companies and the fuel suppliers.