Market Close: April 16 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight – Be Safe
NYMEXCrude    $  66.22 DN $1.1700
NYMEX ULSD     $2.0703 DN $0.0299
NYMEX Gas       $2.0399 DN $0.0255
  • Oil prices fell on Monday as markets opened following western air strikes in Syria over the weekend.
  • Oil markets also came under pressure from a rise in U.S. oil drilling activity.
  • Fund managers hold more Brent futures and options than at any time since records began in 2011, according to data from the InterContinental Exchange.
Have a Great Day,
Loren R Bailey, President
Fuel Manager Services, Inc.
“We Offer More Services to Fuel Your Business”
Office: 479-846-2761
Cell: 479-790-5581


“Promise to think only the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best from yourself and others.” ~ Coach John Wooden

Categories: Fuel News
loren: Fuel Manager Services Inc. "Serving the trucking industry since 1992" I've been in and around the trucking industry for 45-years beginning in owner operator operations at Willis Shaw Express. I bought a small trucking company that I ran for 6-years then sold and went to work for J.B. Hunt Transport in 1982. After 10-years with Hunt, I started Fuel Manager Services, Inc., we are in our 29th year of serving the American trucking companies. Our simple goal was and is to bridge the gap between the trucking companies and the fuel suppliers.