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  • Ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline- all pump stations offline
  • DarkSide – Ransomware for hire company believed to be responsible for attack
  • FireEye – Cybersecurity company believed to be responding
  • Manual override seems unlikely, heavily dependent on digitized systems
  • If not back in 2-3 days, 1 week+ of downtime expected as backups would assumed to be compromised, as well


  • Current Outages/Shutdowns reported
    • All Colonial Pipeline terminals are down
      • Chattanooga
      • Fredericksburg
      • Charlotte
    • Bainbridge MO – no products


  • Expect contracts to be cut, mostly relying on Pilot Company Inventory, our assets and own tanker fleet
  • Daily allocation contracts prioritization, “use it or lose it”
  • Charlotte and Nashville are focus markets
  • Focus on ability to supply from port cities


  • Inventories look good at this time with no outage concerns
  • Focus Markets – Nashville and Charlotte are areas of concern after 2-3 days
  • Added tanker fleet drivers this weekend in Nashville/Charlotte markets
  • Adding tanker floaters in Nashville and Charlotte markets