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Category Archive for 'Fuel News'

Fueling Strategy: Please make sure your tanks are completely full of fuel before 23:00 CST tonight, Friday prices will go back UP 11 cents then Saturday back down 15 Cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude     $108.26 UP $.4500 NYMEX ULSD    $4.0413 DN $.1557 NYMEX Gas      $3.6587 UP $.0064 NEWS Oil settled at the highest […]

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Diesel Fuel Explained: May 05 2022

DIESEL FUEL EXPLAINED (EIA) Factors affecting diesel prices The retail price of a gallon of diesel fuel reflects the costs and profits (or losses) of producing and delivering the product to customers. Four main components contribute to the retail price of a gallon of diesel fuel: The cost of crude oil purchased by refineries Refining […]

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May 04 Loves Possible Fuel Shortages

Dear fleet customers, Due to historically low supply, diesel availability in the Eastern U.S. market is currently limited. Your drivers could start to see the effects of these supply issues in the coming days. We expect to have locations experiencing temporary, intermittent diesel outages. We expect the below states to be impacted the most by […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY today/tonight, Thursday prices will drop 12 cents then will go back UP 11 cents Friday ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $107.81 UP $5.4000 NYMEX ULSD    $4.1970 UP $0.1143 NYMEX Gas      $3.6523 UP $0.1511 NEWS U.S. crude oil stockpiles rose unexpectedly last week, while distillate and gasoline inventories dropped again as refiners […]

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Market Close: May 03 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped today, tonight before 23:00 CST have tanks completely full of fuel, Wednesday look for prices to go up 19 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude     $102.41 DN $2.7600 NYMEX ULSD    $4.0827 DN $0.1222 NYMEX Gas      $3.5012 DN $0.0089 NEWS Oil fell as lock downs across China countered looming […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight~Be Safe NMEX Crude     $105.17 UP $.4800 NYMEX ULSD    $4.2049 UP $.1877 NYMEX Gas      $3.5101 UP $.0677 NEWS Oil edged higher as surging refined products markets led prices higher, offsetting threats to China’s fuel demand outlook stemming from its stringent measures to curb Covid-19. West Texas […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped today, before 23:00 CST refuel due to Saturday prices will jump UP another 46 cents so “partial fill only or not at all Saturday” Sunday prices will DROP 35 cents ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $104.69 DN $.6700 NYMEX ULSD    $4.7817 DN $.3537 NYMEX Gas      $3.4721 […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please top your tanks tonight before 23:00  due to Friday’s prices will jump UP another 21 cents and then Saturday a jump of 46 cents ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $105.36 UP $3.3400 NYMEX ULSD    $5.1354 UP $0.4611 NYMEX Gas      $3.5034 UP $0.0474 NEWS Oil futures finished higher Thursday after […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please top your tanks tonight before 23:00  due to Thursday prices will jump UP 38 cents then Friday we’ll see prices continue UP another 21 cents  ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $102.02 UP $.3200 NYMEX ULSD    $4.6743 UP $.2064 NYMEX Gas      $3.4560 UP $.1172 NEWS NEW YORK (Reuters) -Oil prices […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please top all tanks tonight before 23:00 CST due to Wednesday prices will jump UP 15 cents then Thursday prices will continue UP  ~ Be Safe Today NMEX Crude     $101.70 UP $3.1600 NYMEX ULSD    $4.4679 UP $0.3770 NYMEX Gas      $3.3388 UP $0.0990 NEWS The extreme volatility in crude prices has […]

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