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Category Archive for 'Fuel News'

Market Close: Jan 05 Slightly Up

Fueling Strategy: For Diesel Users – Please partial fill ONLY tonight or better yet wait to fuel until Friday AM when prices will continue to fall another 11.46 cents  ~ Be Safe Today Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline Users  – Please fuel as needed tonight, gasoline prices Friday will remain flat to up less than a penny ~ Be […]

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Fueling Strategy: For Diesel Users – Please partial fill ONLY tonight or better yet wait to fuel until Thursday AM when prices will fall 21 cents, Friday prices will continue to fall another 11.46 cents  ~ Be Safe Today   Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline Users  – Please partial fill or don’t full tonight, gasoline prices Thursday will […]

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Fueling Strategy: For Diesel Users –  Please fuel as needed tonight, Wednesday please partial fill ONLY due to Thursday prices will drop 20.85 cents ~ Be Safe  Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline  – Please partial fill or don’t full tonight, gasoline prices Wednesday will fall 12 cents ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $ 76.93 DN $3.3300 NYMEX […]

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Fueling Strategy: For Diesel Users –  Please partial fill only tonight, Saturday prices will drop 6.5 cents, then Sunday prices will jump back up 5 cents ~ Be Safe  Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline  – Please top your tanks if can before quitting time tonight, Saturday prices will jump UP 9 cents ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     […]

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Fueling Strategy: For Diesel Users –  Please tonight before 23:00 CST have tanks completely full of fuel, Friday prices will go UP 2.5 cents ~ Be Safe  Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline  – Please fuel as needed tonight, prices Friday will mostly go unchanged ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $ 78.40 DN $.5600 NYMEX ULSD  […]

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Fueling Strategy: Diesel Users, Please, tonight before 23:00 CST have tanks completely full of fuel, Thursday prices will jump UP 8 cents then Friday look for prices to go up another 2.5 cents  ~ Be Safe Gasoline Users, Please have tanks full of fuel is possible, Thursday prices will remain unchanged – Be Safe   NMEX […]

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Fueling Strategy: Diesel users, Please keep your tanks full of fuel, Thursday prices will jump up 8+ cents.   Gas users, Prices will drop 2.5 cents Wednesday. NMEX Crude     $ 79.53 DN $.0300 NYMEX ULSD    $3.3537 UP $.0876 NYMEX Gas      $2.3602 DN $.0234 NEWS The U.S. benchmark oil price rose on Monday […]

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Fueling Strategy: Diesel users, Please keep your tanks full of fuel today/tonight for safety purposes, Saturday prices will remain flat to slightly up but Christmas day look for diesel prices to jump up 13+ cents.   Gas users, look for a jump of 13.5 cents Saturday – definitely top your tanks before the Christmas break. Fuel […]

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Market Close: Dec 22 Down

Fueling Strategy: Diesel users, Please keep your tanks full tanks tonight for your protection during this blizzard across most of the midwest, Friday prices will jump UP 8 cents  ~ Be Safe Gasoline users, Prices will remain flat to a slight increase of less than one penny Friday – Be Safe! NMEX Crude     […]

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Fueling Strategy: Diesel users, Please fuel as needed today/tonight, prices are down 6.5 cents, Thursday prices will remain unchanged to slightly up. It will be VERY important for you to keep your tanks full tanks from now until 23:00 CST Thursday night. Gasoline users, As predicted prices will continue to ramp up to Christmas, Thursday […]

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