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Category Archive for 'Fuel News'

Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” tonight, Friday prices will drop 3 cents the Saturday prices will go back UP 2 cents ~Be Safe   NMEX Crude      $ 86.87 DN $.6700 NYMEX ULSD     $3.2123 UP $.0196 NYMEX Gas       $2.6230 UP $.0216 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Thursday closed down […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” tonight, Thursday prices will JUMP UP 11.5 cents ~Be Safe   NMEX Crude      $ 87.54 UP $.8500 NYMEX ULSD     $3.1927 DN $.0269 NYMEX Gas       $2.6014 UP $.0204 NEWS Oil prices rose a dollar a barrel on Tuesday to their highest since November, after […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 86.69 UP $1.1400 NYMEX ULSD     $3.2196 UP $0.1146 NYMEX Gas       $2.5810 DN $0.0102 Have a Great Day, Loren R Bailey, President Office: 479-846-2761 Cell: 479-790-5581   SCHEDULED OUT OF OFFICE SEP 05 AFTER 14:00 SEP 08 AFTER 15:00 SEP […]

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October WTI crude oil this morning is up +2.18 (+2.55%), and Oct RBOB gasoline is up +5.96 (+2.33%).   Crude oil prices this morning are rallying, with crude climbing to a 9-1/2 month high and gasoline posting a 1-week high.  The main bullish factor today was the action by Saudi Arabia and Russia to announce they […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Saturday prices will jump back UP 4 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 85.55 UP $1.9200 NYMEX ULSD     $3.1050 DN $0.0081 NYMEX Gas       $2.5912 UP $0.0253 Have a Great Day, Loren R Bailey, President Office: 479-846-2761 Cell: 479-790-5581 SCHEDULED OUT OF OFFICE SEP 05 […]

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Tropical Storm Idalia is now making its way off the coast of South Carolina and into the Atlantic. At this time, most of our locations in the impacted areas are open and fueling. Our teams are working to restore service to impacted stores as quickly and safely as possible to help professional drivers and emergency […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” today/tonight, Friday prices will drop 11 cents, Saturday diesel will jump back UP 4 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 83.63 UP $2.0000 NYMEX ULSD     $3.1426 UP $0.0464 NYMEX Gas       $2.7664 DN $0.0428 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Thursday closed +2.00 (+2.45%), and Oct […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Today (Wednesday) prices are down 10.5 cents, Thursday prices will JUMP back UP 2.5 cents so please ‘PARTIAL FILL ONLY” due to Friday Diesel will DROP over 11 Cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 81.63 UP $.4700 NYMEX ULSD     $3.0962 DN $.1133 NYMEX Gas  […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” today/tonight, Wednesday look for prices to DROP 10.5 cents  ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 81.16 UP $1.0600 NYMEX ULSD     $3.2095 UP $0.0058 NYMEX Gas       $2.7905 DN $0.0052 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Tuesday closed up +1.06 (+1.32%), and Oct RBOB gasoline closed down -1.04 […]

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Loves: Weather Update Link 08/29/23

Severe Weather Fuel & Location Updates Updated August 29, 2023 3:00pm CT Love’s teams are monitoring the latest developments as Hurricane Idalia is expected to make landfall along the Gulf Coast of Florida early Wednesday, Aug. 30. We are taking precautions and increasing fuel and food deliveries to stay stocked. Our stores are prepared to safely serve […]

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