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Category Archive for 'Fuel News'

Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” tonight, Friday prices will drop 5 cents then Saturday look for prices to go UP 4 cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 89.63 DN $.0300 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3680 UP $.0412 NYMEX Gas       $2.6199 UP $.0026 NEWS November WTI crude oil on Thursday closed down […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Thursday will JUMP up 9 Cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 90.28 DN $.9200 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3268 DN $.0471 NYMEX Gas       $2.6392 DN $.0389 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Wednesday closed down -0.92 (-1.01%), and Oct RBOB gasoline  closed down -3.89 (-1.46%). […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” tonight, Wednesday prices will drop 9.5 cents so “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED”,Thursday prices will go back UP 9 cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 91.20 DN $.2800 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3739 UP $.0856 NYMEX Gas       $2.6581 DN $.0398 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Tuesday […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 91.48 UP $.7100 NYMEX ULSD     $3.2883 DN $.0951 NYMEX Gas       $2.6979 DN $.0102 NEWS October WTI crude oil Monday closed +0.71 (+0.78%), and Oct RBOB gasoline closed -1.02 (-0.38%). Oct WTI crude oil prices Monday climbed to a new 11-month […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Saturday look for another 5 Cents Jump UP but will DROP 10 Cents Sunday~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 90.77 UP $.6100 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3834 DN $.0981 NYMEX Gas       $2.7081 DN $.0346 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Friday closed up +0.61 (+0.68%), […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Friday prices will JUMP UP 11 cents then Saturday look for another 5 Cents Jump UP~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 90.16 UP $1.6400 NYMEX ULSD     $3.4815 UP $0.0461 NYMEX Gas       $2.7427 UP $0.0043 Have a Great Day, Loren R Bailey, President Office: […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “PARTIAL FILL ONLY” today/tonight, Thursday prices will drop 3.5 cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 88.52 DN $.3200 NYMEX ULSD     $3.4354 UP $.1071 NYMEX Gas       $2.7384 UP $.0105  Have a Great Day, Loren R Bailey, President Office: 479-846-2761 Cell: 479-790-5581   SCHEDULED OUT OF OFFICE SEP 22 AFTER […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Wednesday prices will JUMP UP 6.5 cents ~Be Safe   NMEX Crude      $ 88.84 UP $1.5500 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3283 DN $0.0339 NYMEX Gas       $2.7279 UP $0.0092 NEWS NEW YORK, Sept 12 (Reuters) – Oil prices jumped about 2% to a near 10-month high […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 87.29 DN $.2200 NYMEX ULSD     $3.3622 UP $.0631 NYMEX Gas       $2.7187 UP $.0650 NEWS October WTI crude oil on Monday closed down -0.22 (-0.25%), and Oct RBOB gasoline closed up +6.50 (+2.45%). Crude oil and gasoline prices Monday settled […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” tonight, Saturday prices will JUMP UP 2 cents ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 87.51 UP $.6400 NYMEX ULSD     $3.2991 UP $.0868 NYMEX Gas       $2.6537 UP $.0307 NEWS A decline in crude in floating storage is bullish for prices.  Monday’s weekly data from Vortexa showed […]

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