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Category Archive for 'Fuel News'

Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 76.78 DN $1.2300 NYMEX ULSD     $2.8339 DN $0.0095 NYMEX Gas       $2.2285 DN $0.0656 NEWS March WTI crude oil on Monday closed down -1.23 (-1.58%), and Mar RBOB gasoline closed down -6.12 (-2.63%). Crude oil and gasoline prices on Monday gave up […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED OUT” today/tonight, Saturday Prices will JUMP UP 11.5 Cents then Sunday look for another JUMP of 5 Cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 78.01 UP $.6500 NYMEX ULSD     $2.8434 UP $.0480 NYMEX Gas       $2.2941 UP $.0297 NEWS March WTI crude oil on Friday closed […]

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To All: To insure you get the correct fuel discount ALWAYS use the BennettIG App then tap on Fuel Discount Prices, the fuel department updates prices upwards of 4 times daily, 365 days!! Questions? Please call Loren Bailey, Bennett Fuel Manager 479-790-5581

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Prices will go down less than a penny Friday~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 77.36 UP $2.2720 NYMEX ULSD     $2.7954 UP $0.1136 NYMEX Gas       $2.2644 UP $0.0549 NEWS March WTI crude oil on Thursday closed up +2.27 (+3.02%), and Mar RBOB gasoline closed up +5.21 […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Prices will go down less than a penny Thursday~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 75.09 UP $.7200 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6818 DN $.0095 NYMEX Gas       $2.2095 DN $.0006 NEWS March WTI crude oil on Wednesday closed up +0.72 (+0.97%), and Mar RBOB gasoline closed up +0.56 […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Prices will go up Wednesday 3 Cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 74.37 DN $.3900 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6913 DN $.0022 NYMEX Gas       $2.2101 DN $.0277 NEWS March WTI crude oil on Tuesday closed down -0.39 (-0.52%), and Mar RBOB gasoline closed down -2.75 (-1.22%). Crude […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight ~ Please Be Safe! NMEX Crude      $ 75.19 UP $1.7800 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6935 UP $0.0314 NYMEX Gas       $2.2378 UP $0.0750 NEWS February WTI crude oil on Monday closed up +1.78 (+2.42%), and Feb RBOB gasoline  closed up +7.50 (+3.47%). Crude oil and gasoline prices on […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “KEEP YOUR TANKS TOPPED” today/tonight, Saturday prices will jump UP 4 cents the Sunday look for prices to drop 3 cents ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 73.41 DN $.6700 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6621 DN $.0315 NYMEX Gas       $2.1628 DN $.0207 NEWS February WTI crude oil on Friday closed […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Friday prices will drop less than one penny then Saturday prices will jump UP 4 cents ~ Please Be Safe! NMEX Crude      $ 74.08 UP $1.5200 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6996 UP $0.0400 NYMEX Gas       $2.1835 UP $0.0481 NEWS February WTI crude oil on Thursday […]

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Fueling Strategy: Please “FUEL AS NEEDED” today/tonight, Thursday prices will drop less than one penny ~ Please Be Safe! NMEX Crude      $ 72.56 UP $.1600 NYMEX ULSD     $2.6536 DN $.0070 NYMEX Gas       $2.1354 UP $.0135 NEWS February WTI crude oil on Wednesday closed up +0.16 (+0.22%), and Feb RBOB gasoline closed […]

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