Fuel News
Market Close: March 17 Up, Diesel Up $.38 cents
Fueling Strategy: Please be sure, while prices are down 25 cents, to top your tanks off tonight before 23:00 CST, Friday…
Market Close: March 16 Mixed, Diesel Up $.0704
Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today while prices are down $.14 cents BUT plan on Thursday's drop of $.25 cents…
Market Close: March 15 Down
Fueling Strategy: Please "partial fill only" tonight due to Wednesday prices will drop $.14 cents then Thursday look for a $.25…
Market Close: March 14 Down
Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight, Tuesday prices will remain flat ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude $103.01 DN…
Market Close: March 11 Up
Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today as wholesale prices have gone down $.97 cents, Saturday look for another $.17 drop…
Market Close: March 10 Down, Diesel down another $.1681 cents
Fueling Strategy: Please "Partial Fill Only Tonight, Friday prices will drop $.9730 cents, then Saturday look for prices to drop another $.16…
Market Close: March 09 Down, Diesel down $.9730 cents
Fueling Strategy: Please have all tanks full of fuel tonight before 23:00 CST, Thursday prices will increase another $.52 cents then Friday…
Market Close: March 08 Up, Diesel Up $.5158
Fueling Strategy: Please continue keeping your tanks topped today, tonight before 23:00 CST refuel, Wednesday prices will increase another 15 cents,…
Fueling Strategy: March 08 “Keep Your Tanks Topped”
Fueling Strategy: Please continue keeping your tanks topped today, tonight before 23:00 CST refuel, Wednesday prices will increase another 15 cents,…
Market Close: March 07 Up, Diesel Up $.1452
Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight - Due to aggressive wholesale price changes we recommend you "shop the street prices"…