Fuel News
Market Close: July 24 UP, Diesel UP $.0248, Gas UP $.0933
Fueling Strategy: Please "FUEL AS NEEDED" today/tonight, Tuesday please keep your tanks topped ahead of Wednesday's 2.5 cents increased~Be Safe…
Market Close: July 21 UP, Diesel UP $.0813, Gas UP $.0586
Fueling Strategy: Please "KEEP YOUR TANKS FULL OF FUEL" today/tonight, Saturday prices will jump UP 2.5 cents then Sunday up…
Market Close: July 20 UP, Diesel UP $.0226, Gas UP $.0227
Fueling Strategy: Please "KEEP YOUR TANKS FULL OF FUEL" today/tonight, Friday prices will jump UP 4.5 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude …
Market Close: July 19 Mixed, Diesel UP $.0424. Gas UP $.0261
Fueling Strategy: Please "KEEP YOUR TANKS FULL OF FUEL" today/tonight, Thursday prices will jump UP 3.5 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude …
7Fleet Marketing/Promotions August 2 to August 29
See below marketing material and promotions for our sites. These promos will run from August 2nd – August 29th. Please communicate…
Market Close: July 18 UP, Diesel UP $.0352, Gas UP $.0627
Fueling Strategy: Please "PARTIAL FILL ONLY" today/tonight, Wednesday prices will fall 3 to 3.5 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude $…
Market Close: July 17 Down, Diesel DN $.0337, Gas DN $.0120
Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight~Be Safe NMEX Crude $ 74.15 DN $1.2700 NYMEX ULSD $2.5642 DN…
Market Close: July 14 Down, Diesel DN $.0125, Gas DN $.0349
Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks topped today/tonight, before 23:00 CST fuel again, Saturday prices will go Up 1 cent…
Market Close: July 13 UP, Diesel UP $.0108, Gas UP $.0116
Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks topped today/tonight, before 23:00 CST fuel again, Friday prices will go Up 1.5 cents~Be Safe…
Market Close: July 12 UP, Diesel UP $.0159, Gas UP $.0443
Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks topped today/tonight, before 23:00 CST fuel again, Thursday prices will go Up 3 cents~Be Safe…