
Market Close: Nov 28 Down ULSD Down 16.5 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, Saturday partial fill only....Sunday AM wholesale prices will drop 16.5 cents per gallon…

Market Close: Nov 26 Mixed

We value our customers greatly, We are very thankful to be a partner on your team. We wish each of you…

Market Close: Nov 25 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed today/tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will drop almost one penny - Be Safe NYMEX Crude…

Market Close: Nov 24 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight - Be Safe Today! NYMEX Crude         $  75.78 DN…

Market Close: Nov 21 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please maintain tanks this weekend, the midwest is getting hosed by ridiculous jumps in wholesale prices - Oklahoma…

Market Close: Nov 20 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will drop 2.2 cents - Be Safe Today!! NYMEX Crude…

Market Close: Nov 19 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will drop 2.2 cents - Be Safe Today!! NYMEX Crude…

Market Close: Nov 18 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will drop 1.2 cents then Thursday AM look for another…

Market Close: Nov 17 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude        $  75.64 DN $.1800 NYMEX…

Market Close: Nov 14 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Saturday AM wholesale prices will drop 8.5 cents per gallon then Sunday AM look…