
Market Close: Jan 21 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will fall 4 cents - Be Safe Today! NYMEX Crude…

Market Close: Jan 20 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, tomorrow please partial fill only - Be Safe NYMEX Crude        $ …

Market Close: Jan 16 UP

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill today/tonight, Saturday AM wholesale prices will drop  3 cents - Be Safe Today! NYMEX Crude    …

Market Close: Jan 15 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped today/tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will go UP 2 cents - Be Safe Today!…

Market Close: Jan 14 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill today/tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will drop almost 2 cents - Be Safe Today! NYMEX Crude  …

Market Close: Jan 13 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill today/tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will drop almost 5 cents - Be Safe Today! NYMEX…

Market Close: Jan 12 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed today/tonight - Be Safe NYMEX Crude       $  46.07 DN $2.2900 NY Harbor ULSD    $1.6541 DN $0.0489…

Market Close: Jan 09 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped today/tonight, Wholesale prices will go up 1.1 cents Saturday, Sunday AM wholesale prices will…

Market Close: Jan 7 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will drop 2 cents - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude      …

Market Close: Jan 6 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will drop 4.5 cents - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude  …