
Market Close: March 19 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks TOPPED tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will jump UP 8 cents - Be Safe! NYMEX…

Market Close: March 18 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed today/tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will drop about 1/2 cent - Be Safe NYMEX…

Market Close: March 17 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please wait to fuel until after midnight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will drop 1.5 cents - Be Safe…

Market Close: March 16 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude      $  43.88 DN $.9600 NYMEX ULSD        $1.6986 DN $.0144 NYMEX…

Market Close: March 13 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Saturday AM wholesale prices will drop 4 cents, Sunday AM wholesale prices will drop…

Market Close: March 12 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will go up about one penny - Be Safe!…

Market Close: March 11 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will drop another 3 cents - Be Safe NYMEX Crude    …

Market Close: March 10 Dwon

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill today/tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will go down almost 3 cents - Be Safe Today!…

Market Close: Mar 09 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, Be Safe! NYMEX Crude      $   50.00 UP $.3900 NYMEX ULSD        $1.8398 DN $.0292 NYMEX…

Market Close: Mar 06 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please wait to fuel until after midnight, Saturday AM wholesale prices will drop 2 cents Saturday, Sunday AM wholesale prices…