
Market Close: July 27 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude       $  47.39 DN $.7500 NY Harbor ULSD    $1.5956 DN $.0346…

Market Close: July 24 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Saturday AM wholesale prices will drop 1.5 cents, Sunday AM Wholesale prices will drop…

Market Close: July 23 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will drop slightly - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude       $  48.45 DN…

Market Close: July 22 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks topped today/tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will jump UP 2 cents - Be Safe NYMEX…

Market Close: July 21 Mixed ULSD UP 2 Cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, Wednesday AM we'll see a small drop in wholesale prices of a little…

Market Close: July 20 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight and Tuesday, Be Safe! NYMEX Crude       $  50.15 DN $.7400 NY Harbor ULSD    $1.6584 DN…

Market Close: July 17 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed today/tonight - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude        $  50.89 DN $.0200 NY Harbor ULSD    $1.6641 DN $.0021 NYMEX Gasoline   $1.9286 UP  $.0319…

Market Close: July 16 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Friday AM wholesale prices will drop almost 6 cents - Be Safe! NYMEX Crude       $  50.91 DN $.5000 NY Harbor ULSD    $1.6662 DN $.0031 NYMEX…

Market Close: July 15 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fill as needed tonight, Thursday AM wholesale prices will go up less than 1/2 cents then Friday AM wholesale prices will…

Market Close: July 14 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill tonight, Wednesday AM wholesale prices will go down 2 cents - Be Safe Today! NYMEX…