Market Close: Oct 05 Mixed, Diesel Up 15 cents (Up $.4653 this week)

Fueling Strategy: Please continue keeping your tanks full of fuel tonight, Thursday prices will jump UP again 17 cents then…

Market Close: Oct 04 Up, Diesel Up 16.67 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please keep tanks full of fuel today/tonight, Wednesday prices will go UP 15 cents then Thursday another 17…

Market Close: Oct 03 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe   NMEX Crude     $ 83.63 UP $4.1400 NYMEX ULSD …

Market Close: Set 30 Down, Diesel Down 4.56 Cents

Fueling Strategy: PLEASE partial fill only today/tonight, Saturday we'll see prices drop 3.5 cents but continue the partial fill strategy…

Market Close: Sep 29 Down, diesel down 3.48 cents

Fueling Strategy: PLEASE have your tanks topped tonight before 23:00 CST,  Friday we'll see another jump UP of 19 cents then…

Market Close: Sep 28, Diesel Up 19 cents

Fueling Strategy: PLEASE have your tanks topped tonight before 23:00 CST,  Thursday prices will go UP 13 cents then Friday…

Market Close: Sep 27 Up, Diesel UP 13 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY tonight, Wednesday prices will fall 11 cents so the strategy will be to keep…

Market Close: Sep 26 Mixed, Diesel Down 10.8 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $ 76.71 DN $2.0300 NYMEX ULSD    $3.1291…

Market Close: Sep 23 Down, Diesel Down 17.44 Cents

Fueling Strategy: Please have your tanks topped tonight before 23:00 CST, Saturday prices will jump UP 8 cents then Sunday…

Market Close: Sep 22 Up, Diesel UP 7.77 Cents

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY today/tonight, Friday prices will drop of 4 cents. Saturday prices will jump back UP…