Market Close: Nov 15 Mixed, Diesel UP 9.73 cents, Gas down 1.24 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight, Wednesday prices will fall one penny BUT Thursday look for a 10 cent jump…

Market Close: Nov 14 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe NMEX Crude     $ 85.87 DN $3.0900 NYMEX ULSD …

Market Close: Nov 11 Mixed, Diesel down 1.41 cents, Gas up 4.33 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY tonight or better yet wait to fuel until Saturday AM then prices will fall…

Market Close: Nov 10 Mixed, Diesel down 8.69 cents, Gas up 2.17 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY today/tonight, Friday prices will fall another 11 cents then Saturday look for another 8…

Market Close: Nov 09 Down, Diesel down 11.44 cents, Gas down 9.21 cents

Fueling Strategy: Prices are down 13 cents today and will continue down another penny Thursday, Please be safe today! NMEX…

Market Close: Nov 08, Diesel Down 1.04 cents, Gas Down 1.64 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please "partial fill only" today/tonight, Wednesday prices will drop 13 cents then look for another penny drop Thursday ~…

Market Close: Nov 07 Down, Diesel DN 13.37 cents, Gas DN 8.17 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe   NMEX Crude     $ 91.79 DN $.8200 NYMEX ULSD …

Market CloseL Nov 04 Up, Diesel UP 4.95 cents, Gas UP 4.09 cents

Fueling Strategy: Have your tanks completely full of fuel before 23:00 CST, Saturday prices will go up 19 cents, Sunday…

East Coast Supply Update from Loves’ November 04 2022

Dear Fleet Managers, Love’s continues to monitor domestic diesel inventories along the east coast, mid-Atlantic and Mississippi River areas as…

Market Close: Nov 03 Mixed, Diesel Up 18.79, Gas DN 1/3 penny,

Fueling Strategy: Keep tanks topped today, tonight before 23:00 have tanks full of fuel, Friday prices will go UP 5…