Market Close: Feb 14 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please have your tanks completely full of fuel before 23:00 CST tonight due to Wednesday prices will jump…

Market Close: Feb 13 Up

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline Users  - Please fuel your tanks tonight, Tuesday gasoline prices…

Market Close: Feb 10 Up, Diesel UP 4.92 cents, Gasoline UP 5.62 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill only today/tonight due to Saturday prices will drop 8 cents, Sunday prices will go back up…

Market Close: Feb 09 Down, Diesel down 7.79 cents, Gas down 1.53 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today, tonight partial fill due to Friday prices will drop a penny then Saturday prices…

Market Close: Feb 08 Up, Diesel UP 1.11 cents, Gasoline UP .0060 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks full today, tonight before 23:00 CST completely top out your tanks due to Thursday prices…

Market Close: Feb 07 UP, Diesel UP 13.57 cents, Gasoline UP 8.34 cents

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight, Wednesday prices will drop slightly ($.0070) BUT Thursday look for prices to jump back…

Market Close: Feb 06 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~ Be Safe Today Fueling Strategy: For Gasoline Users  - Please have your tanks topped tonight if…

Market Close: Feb 03 Down

Fueling Strategy: Today, Friday, prices have dropped 19 cents, yes 19 cents, Saturday prices will drop another 5.5 cents THEN Sunday…

Market Close: Feb 02 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill ONLY tonight while prices are UP 7 cents, Friday prices will drop 19 cents, yes 19…

Market Close: Feb 01 Down

Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks topped out today, tonight before 23:00 CST make sure your full of fuel -…