Market Close: May 22 UP, Diesel UP $.0042, Gas UP $.0728 ahead of the Memorial Day Holiday

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $ 71.99 UP $.4400 NYMEX ULSD     $2.3664…

Market Close: May 18 Down, Diesel DN $.0200

Fueling Strategy: Please,before 23:00 CST, have completely full of fuel, Friday prices will jump UP 6 cents~Be Safe NMEX Crude …

Potential Scam Alert

To Our Loyal Customers, We are writing today to make you aware of a scam targeting Fleets that has come…

Market Close: May 17 Up, Diesel UP $.0587, Gas UP $.0901

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill only today due to prices are UP over 7 cents but will drop 1.5 cents Thursday~Be…

Market Close: May 16 Mixed, Diesel DN $.0141, Gas UP $.0071

Fueling Strategy: Please keep your tanks full of fuel today, tonight before 23:00 CST have completely full of fuel, Wednesday prices…

7-Fleet Promos for March 24 to June 27th – See link for locations

See below marketing material and promotions for our sites. These promos will run from May 24th- June 27th. Please communicate…

Market Close: May 15 Up, Diesel UP $.0725, Gas UP $.0418

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today/tonight ~Be Safe NMEX Crude      $  71.11 UP $1.0700 NYMEX ULSD     $2.3780…

Market Close: May 12 Down, Diesel DN $.0440, Gas DN $.0323

Fueling Strategy: Please partial fill only tonight or wait to fuel, Saturday prices will go down 4.5 cents BUT please…

Market Close: May 11 Down, Diesel DN $.0439

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today, and tonight before 23:00 CST have tanks completely full of fuel, Friday prices will…

Market Close: May 10 Mixed

Fueling Strategy: Please fuel as needed today, and tonight before 23:00 CST have tanks completely full of fuel, Thursday prices will…