Home \ For Bennett Truck Drivers, Christmas is a Family Affair
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For Bennett Truck Drivers, Christmas is a Family Affair
December 19, 2017
Decorating the tree with cherished ornaments, blasting your favorite holiday music in the car, planning the Christmas dinner, finding the perfect last-minute gift… these are some of the things we look forward to each year when the holidays roll around.
Bennett truckers love Christmas movies, especially the Griswold family.
The Griswolds Top Bennett Truckers’ Christmas Movie List
One of our favorite holiday traditions, however, is enjoying Christmas movies each year.
Whether we’re shedding a tear during It’s a Wonderful Life, or crying from laughter during National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, these Christmas classics always bring the family together and have proven to be a tradition in nearly every home.
We asked some of our Bennett Motor Express Million Milers what their favorite film is to watch every year, and this is how they answered.
Christmas Traditions
We got to know our drivers even better, and learned a little about their Christmas traditions, both new and old. When asked what they’re looking forward to most this holiday season, the answers were consistent: time with family.
For Steve Boozer, working at Bennett truly is a family affair. While he has been with us for 26 years, his wife Diane works in the Bennett office, both of his parents have retired from Bennett, and his sister and daughter in law have also worked here. He remembers many Christmas parties of yore here at Bennett. Personally, every year he looks forward to the Christmas ham Diane prepares for their family. “This year, I’m looking forward to getting healthy this holiday season and getting back to work, as I’ve been recovering from a broken foot.”
His favorite holiday memory was December of 2008, which was the last Christmas celebrated with his father, and one that he will never forget.
Jerry Boyd has been with Bennett almost 21 years. This year, his family is starting a new Christmas tradition by taking a trip to Disney World with the entire family. “We go to Disney world every year, but this is the first time we are doing it for Christmas and we’re all excited. My wife and I will be there Christmas Day, and the grandkids will get there a day later, and we’ll hit all the parks. Christmas has always been a hard time for our family as we lost someone in December of 1977, but this will be a happy memory we can make together.”
When we spoke with Robert Hudler, it was his last day at Bennett, retiring after 33 years. He plans to rest and relax for the first few months of retirement, then will fly south to spend the rest of his years. But first, he’s going to enjoy this Christmas by watching Christmas Vacation, eating some turkey, and sipping a hot rum toddy. Robert says, “The best Christmas present for me is to have my entire family there to celebrate it with.”
Bennett truck drivers share their favorite Christmas traditions
In March of 2018, Robert Wilbur will have driven with Bennett for 30 years. Christmas for him, is a time to celebrate with his growing family. With six grandchildren between the ages of 4 months to 14 years old, he loves to see Christmas through their eyes.
He and his oldest son love to watch Christmas Vacation together while snacking on some good old-fashioned corn flake candy. Although, his wife only lets him have it this time of year, as he loves it a little too much. We asked Robert what his ultimate Christmas gift would be, if he could have anything. This is what he had to say, “If I could have anything in the world, the greatest gift for me is for my family to be well and happy.”
Jerrald Skinner has been at Bennett on and off since 2000. After nearly cutting his hand off with a saw table, he’s looking forward to having his hand working again! His family is also mixing it up this year. He says, “We typically have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, dressing and all the fixings at Christmastime, but this year, we’re having fish and shrimp!”
Carl Lawrence, who owns a step deck and hauls a lot of freight for John Deere, has been with Bennett for 17 years. This Christmas, he’s looking forward to some pecan pie, and being home with his grandchildren. He has 7 in Iowa where he lives, and one in Illinois. His favorite Christmas memory is when he got his .22 rifle at 11 years old. He says, “My mom and dad always told me I was too young for a rifle, but that I could have a bow and arrow. Well, when I opened the box on Christmas morning, the box said bow and arrow, but there was a rifle inside. I told my dad that it must be for him, because I was too young to have one. He said, ‘No, I think that is yours.’ I’m 70 years old, and I still have that rifle.”
Evearge Payne, who has been with Bennett for 15 years, likes to keep it simple during the holidays. He has “so many Christmas movies recorded you can’t even count them,” and likes to spend his time at home watching movies and maybe a ballgame or two.
Robert Parkman, who has driven with Bennett for 16 years, has one holiday memory that has always stuck out above the rest. He says, “When I was 8 years old, I found out the hard way there was no Santa, when I caught my parents putting presents under the tree.” This year, he’s looking forward to getting the family together, and enjoying some braided raisin bread.
Troy Anderson, a Bennett driver for 16 years, is excited to make old traditions new again. He says, “When I was younger, we always celebrated Christmas with a family vacation at Disney World. I look forward to doing that with my own family now, and spending quality time with them.”[
Emmett Gunter has driven for Bennett for 29 years, and is looking forward to watching It’s a Wonderful Life, and listening to Christmas music. For the upcoming year, his goals are simple: “Keeping healthy, keeping alive, and try to make a little money.”
If you’re looking to make the change and drive for Bennett, or if you’d just like more information, visit drive4bme.com, or contact one of our recruiters at 888-712-3036!
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